Doctors and Medicine

Doctor Limericks

Said a chiropractor named Mack,
To a patient with pain in his back,
“I will straighten your spine
So your bones are aligned,
And you’ll soon be a pro in the sack.”

There once was a patient named Silya
Who asked, “Can insomnia killya?”
“That depends,” said her doc
As he glanced at his clock,
“On whether ya pay when I bill ya.”

A patient who kept getting worse
cried out "I must go home now, nurse!
You've done all your best
and performed every test
but I've come to the end of my purse!"

A doctor whose penis turned green
Asked a medico what did it mean
He said "It's a curse
From bonking that nurse
Too close to the X-ray machine!"

A patient was looking quite down
"What's up?" asked the nurse with a frown
"That orderly's bi
And he gives me the eye
And I don't have a back to my gown!"

Rumours abound at St Nick's
The doctors are all country hicks
Male children are born
and then drenched, tailed and shorn
Then they tie rubber bands round their pricks!