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Teenagers Quotes

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You will never again be as confident of your opinion as you are between 15 and 20

"As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you."

"Snow and adolescence are the only problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough."

"Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls."

"Perhaps a modern society can remain stable only by eliminating adolescence, by giving its young, from the age of ten, the skills, responsibilities, and rewards of grownups, and opportunities for action in all spheres of life. Adolescence should be a time of useful action, while book learning and scholarship should be a preoccupation of adults."

"Teenage boys, goaded by their surging hormones run in packs like the primal horde. They have only a brief season of exhilarating liberty between control by their mothers and control by their wives."

"The big mistake that men make is that when they turn thirteen or fourteen and all of a sudden they've reached puberty, they believe that they like women. Actually, you're just horny. It doesn't mean you like women any more at twenty-one than you did at ten."

"I would there were no age between ten and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the anciently, stealing, fighting." William Shakespeare

"The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and obsolescence"

Empty frideg: something you come to expect when your kids are going through the locust phase of adolescence.

"Although I was well past my teenage troubles, our music was specifically designed to lubricate the passage from adolescence to adulthood," Pete Townshend